Affordable and comfortable transfers from/to: Ljubljana Airport

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Ljubljana Airport


The biggest Slovenian airport, Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport or Ljubljana Airport expands its network of airline partners and destinations every year. From Ljubljana Airport, you can fly to 20 business or holiday destinations, choosing from more than 200 direct flights each week. The airport traffic increases significantly with charter flights during the high tourist season. This small yet very busy and convenient airport is also a destination for several low-budget companies such as Wizz Air and EasyJet. They can offer you flights from Ljubljana Airport to bigger European airports where you can board intercontinental flights.

Getting around

Ljubljana Airport was built more than 50 years ago and it consists of one terminal. The Arrivals and Departures areas are both on the ground floor and each section has a coffee bar. In the Departures area, you can also find a cash machine and a newspaper stand. Next to the border control in the Departures area, there are a bigger shop with snacks, drinks and cosmetics, and two smaller shops with souvenirs and handmade products. The shops are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. but can also adjust their opening times to daily flight schedules. There is a sweetshop on the first floor, from where you can enjoy the view of the departing and arriving flights. If you are travelling to non-Schengen countries, you will board your flight on the first floor of the terminal where you will also find a smoking area. If you are flying to Schengen areas, you will board your flight on the ground floor.


Aerodrom Ljubljana d.o.o., which runs Ljubljana Airport, offers free internet access. All the information needed to connect to the Wi-Fi network can be found on the columns in the Departures area.

How to reach the airport and where to park

Ljubljana Airport is located 24 kilometers northwest of Ljubljana and reachable by a local road as well as by highway. Slovenian highways require a toll sticker called vinjeta (“vignette”). The highway can be very busy during summer, so knowing local alternatives is quite useful. There are two parking spaces next to the airport, an open parking space and a garage. The weekly parking fee varies from EUR 54 to 66. There is another parking area located within a 10-minute walk from the airport, but it is closed at the moment.

When to arrive at the airport

The small size of Ljubljana Airport allows you to take a bit less time for the procedures at the airport. Usually, it is enough to arrive at the airport an hour before the plane’s takeoff, but we recommend you to add another 30 minutes just to be on the safe side, especially in summer when traffic jams are at their peak.

GoOpti drop-off

When you arrive at Ljubljana Airport, you will step out of our GoOpti van right in front of the Departures entrance or at the GoOpti station located next to the passage to the garage.

Lieu de départ

GoOpti point at the shuttle van station located next to the passage to the garage.



Arrivées GoOpti

GoOpti van stops on the driveway in front of the Terminal.


GoOpti en 90 secondes

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  • J'ai utilisé GoOpti deux fois et chaque fois j'ai été impressionné combien ils sont rapides, efficaces et fiables.

    4f38c363-8a04-4075-9d42-aec87fa2778c Julie Johns, Australie
  • Félicitations pour votre succès. Malgré le fait que j'étais en retard pour mon transfert, vouz m'avez attendu et transporté à ma destination finale.

    af2b3d81-03fb-4133-87ee-c19fede3f7b9 Branko Smerajc Debevc, Espagne