With the SmartMOVE project to an efficient mobility planning and implementation of dynamic collective transport
GoOpti had started implementing the activities of the SmartMOVE project, which will bring many new and innovative solutions for sustainable mobility to the Ljubljana urban region. At the project Kick-off-meeting, which took place on 1 June 2022, project partners reviewed the set tasks and goals, followed by detailed presentations of individual activities.
Besides GoOpti, the project includes:
- Regional development agency in the Ljubljana region (RRA LUR, leading partner),
- Jožef Stefan Institute,
- Urban Institute of Ljubljana,
- Association of Employers of Slovenia,
- IPoP - Institute for Spatial Policies,
- Center for Energy Efficient Solutions - CER
- the Norwegian partner: Nordland Research Institute.
A close cooperation and partner activities in next two years will be aimed primarily at raising awareness of the importance of sustainable mobility among employers and employees. Five mobility plans will be prepared for organizations and locations with a large number of employees and visitors. Moreover, sustainable mobility solutions will be established with dynamic shared transport, and a certificate for sustainable mobility will be developed. In addition, recommendations will be prepared for the strategic orientations of the competent bodies of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of sustainable mobility, as well as proposals for improving and upgrading the existing Integrated Transport Strategy of the Ljubljana Urban Region.
Free lectures on sustainable mobility for companies and employees
The SmartMOVE project, of which GoOpti is a partner, is launching a series of free lectures this autumn, where experts from various fields will in an interesting and dynamic way present key topics and opportunities for employers and employees in the field of sustainable mobility.
The training sessions will also be supported by video illustrations of specially designed content and examples, including the experiences of users of the Go Together free transport service, implemented by GoOpti in the spring.
You can register for the training of your choice here.
All webinars will take place from 9.00 to 10.15, while the in-person training will take place between 10.00 and 12.00. You will also receive a certificate of attendance when you follow at least three of the training sessions. All sessions will be in Slovenian language.
For more information, visit www.smart-move.si.
The SmartMOVE: Smart Solutions for Sustainable Mobility project addresses the challenge of sustainable mobility in high-traffic locations, in this case the Ljubljana Urban Region (LUR) with its capital city Ljubljana as the most important destination for daily migration flows in Slovenia. For more information, please visit www.smart-move.si.
The SmartMOVE project is co-financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway with EEA Financial Mechanism funding of EUR 1,609,166.79. The project aims to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
The content of the training courses is the sole responsibility of ZDS as a partner of the SmartMOVE project and is in no way deemed to reflect the views of the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Programme Operator.
Our project was presented yesterday as part of the European Mobility Week, together with another imporatnt project financed by the EEA financial mechanism 2014-2021, on the press conference which took place in the Knight's Hall of a famous event site Križanke in the city centre.
Afterwards, the visitors and passers-by had a chance to take part in interactive presentations of similar mobility projects, win prizes, test their knowledge related to mobility and its issues, bicycle-blend their own smootihe and have a delicious burger etc.
For more information and photo gallery, please visit SmartMove's Leading Partner's site.
Link to the invitation (Slovenian only): https://rralur.si/novice/vabljeni-na-zurmobil/
The SmartMOVE project is co-financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway funds from the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism in the amount of EUR 1,609,166.79. The purpose of the project is Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.
The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of GoOpti and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Program Authority.
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
OPERATION: From purchase to execution, 100% automated
The main purpose of the project is to develop and update the existing system, aiming towards automation and optimisation of the process from the purchase to the transport implementation. With the help of a smart algorithm, we will obtain an automated aggregation of transports and introduce new microservices.
OBJECTIVE 1: Increase in the gross value added per employee
OBJECTIVE 2: Implementation of a digital transformation in accordance with the action plan
The operation is co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Regional Development Fund under the reaction of the Union to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the framework of the Public Invitation for co-financing market research, international forums and certificates in 2018, GoOpti acquired co-financing of the SPIRIT public agency for implementing the operation: Market research - analysis of market potential for entering the UK market.
Objectives of the operation:
- determine the scope and the mode of entering the new market;
- define the service competitiveness and setting up the appropriate competitive pricing policy.
The purpose of the operation is to conduct a market research to place the offer in a new market environment.
The operation ends in March 2019.
The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
GoOpti successfully applied in the Public tender for promotion of business process improvements in 2017 and 2018, organised by the public agency SPIRIT with the operation: INTRODUCTION OF THE PROCESS OF CONVERSION AND BI PLATFORM OPTIMIZATION
1. Advanced data processing and business decision making BI system
An analytical (data-driven) approach and a system that enables agile data processing are the key factors for all major processes (digital marketing, online sales, revenue management).
2. The process of conversion optimization and testing
The process of continuous conversion optimization is the only way for long-term growth in online sales. The conversion optimization process will be implemented using a proven methodology tailored to our industry (travel and transportation).
Objectives of the operation:
- Faster data processing and better business decisions-making
- Better data based revenue and price management
- Higher conversion and growth of online sales
The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
The operation was successfully implemented and finished in August 2018.
SME (phase 2) project: “GoOpti – Profitable, Smart and Professional DRT over Long Distances”
In 2016 GoOpti won the SME (phase 2) with the project “GoOpti – Profitable, Smart and Professional DRT over Long Distances”.
The overall objective of the project was to build a fast growing, profitable, smart and scalable data-driven DRT system by achieving two specific objectives:
1) Scaling-up the existing DRT model into a regional multi-local marketplace;
2) Validating the business model by demonstrating it on a remote region thus proving our potential to grow in a time and cost-efficient manner.
The 2-year project ended on 30th June 2018 with these outcomes:
- Developed and validated regional DRT as a basis for scalable expansion;
- Scalable IT system with data-driven and smart transport solutions for building a profitable multilocal marketplace;
- Established new regional hubs based on project goals and growth strategy;
- Validated process model and growth strategy for systematically launching in new regions.
URBAN-E: Electromobility in Urban nodes in Cohesion countries
The project is composed of 9 EU partners with Petrol as a lead and GoOpti as one of the consortium partners. The project foresees the deployment of AC and DC charging infrastructure in three Core Urban Nodes which shall be fully integrated in municipal transportation strategies (in total, the deployment of 167 charging points is foreseen). At the core of the network are 21 multi-modal charging hubs that will anchor the network, around which the additional charging infrastructure will be distributed to ensure that needs of users and use cases can be met with this first network. This includes urban DC, urban AC and long-distance DC charging as well as intermodality and innovative green mobility services (e-taxi, e-car sharing, e-shuttle, e-logistics).
The role of GoOpti in this project is to pilot the green e-shuttle service between Ljubljana and Zagreb with 4 electric vehicles.
The project started in March 2017 and finishes in December 2020.
EDISON WINCI – Eco Driving Innovative Solutions and Networking – building a contactless charging infrastructure
The EDISON WINCI project addresses a comprehensive approach to achieving environmental goals through the development of new green technologies in mobility. Various forms of transportation contribute to approximately 30% of the total CO2 emissions. In large urban areas traffic is the source of nearly all harmful emissions of dust particles and NOx.
The development of innovative solutions such as the development of cleaner vehicles, requires not only changes in consumer behavior, but also changes in the behavior of providers of new cleaner solutions or business models that enable change in the first place. In order to achieve such comprehensive breakthroughs, integrated approaches and solutions are also needed to enable users to easily transition to new technologies with a higher amount of comfort and a better user experience, and to encourage them to expand and re-use green mobility.
The project is addressing wireless charging technology as one of the key technology enablers in the development and implementation of sustainable green mobility technologies. It is based on the creation of a magnetic field and, consequently, an electrical current between the transmit coils in the carriageway or road and the receiving coils in the vehicle.
The EDISON WINCI is developing solutions that will use contactless charging to help to:
- reduce the amount of batteries needed thus reducing the weight and cost of vehicles,
- achieve significantly longer electric ranges (with more charge at intermediate stops),
- easy charging (in dynamic execution without unnecessary and unwanted stops),
- reduce the negative environmental impact of battery production and decommissioning, and,
- easily charging for the cost of electricity.
This will make electric vehicles more attractive and their use will allow for more comfort compared to classical vehicles.
This project will run from October 2019 until May 2022. Its total value is EUR 8,114,325.80 and is co-funded in the amount of EUR 3,131,129.07 by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Regional Development Fund.