7 advantages of booking low-cost flights via GoOpti

If you are searching for the cheapest flights, GoOpti is a huge time saver! The partnering global flights search engine is designed to always look at all of the cheapest possibilities, even if it means putting you on two separate flights, while providing you the guarantee that covers cases of flight delays, cancellations, and schedule changes. Have a look at some of the best features of booking flights via GoOpti!

If you are searching for the cheapest flights, GoOpti is a huge time saver!

1If you are searching for the cheapest flights, GoOpti is a huge time saver!

1. Search radius

Search Radius

2Search Radius

You can search for flights from and to regions, instead of specific cities. Instead of typing in a fixed destination, select the radius of the search (for example 250 km). The system searches for flights in this radius. It shows you all the different destinations and the cheapest air fares in a handy way.

2. Fly anywhere

Fly anywhere

3Fly anywhere

Just type in your departure airport and set the destination to “anywhere”. Hit the search button and see what comes out. This helps us to get an idea of cheaper destinations out there.

3. Multi-city feature

Multi-city feature

4Multi-city feature

The system combines different airlines and schedules which makes it so easy for a world traveler to travel from A to B to C and D.

4. Date range

Date range

5Date range

You can select exact dates or a date range and choose among:

  • Specific date (e.g. 11th July)
  • Date range (e.g. from March to May)
  • Anytime

5. Cheap price alert

Setup an airport or radius as your departure point and select the area or radius you want to travel to. To activate the cheap-price alert, simply hit the button below the search fields, where you include a maximum price. That’s it.

6. Flight guarantee for unprotected flight routes

The system actually offers a guarantee that covers cases of flight delays, cancellations, and schedule changes. You can read more about the guarantee here.

7. Flights + GoOpti transfer

Flights + GoOpti transfer

6Flights + GoOpti transfer

When booking your flight via GoOpti the system provides you also with flights that include GoOpti transfers. It depends on your departure location. If you choose to start your journey from a city, the system will provide you with the options combining the flight and the GoOpti transfer to the airport.

For example, if you search for flights from Vicenza to Barcelona, beside getting direct flights, search results also include options that combine a GoOpti transfer from Vicenza to Marco Polo airport in Venice with a flight from Venice to Barcelona.

However, such combinations include only GoOpti transfers with a fixed departure time. If you prefer to get more choices, you may still book only the flight and afterwards arrange your customized GoOpti transfer on the GoOpti website. Easy!

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